Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Challenge 24 - String Theory II

Even though this week the challenge was similar to last weeks, I always like trying to give dimension to straight pieces, so those are always fun challenges for me.  Sometimes it works out great and I'm really pleased and then there are other times when I scratch my head and think "what was I thinking when I did that?"  This piece as it turned has both elements in it.  I used to get upset when things didn't turn out like I thought they should, but I'm starting to have a more layed back attitude about it.  Maybe I'm finally getting the zen out of the Zentangle.  Today I hope you find some zen to help make it an awesome day!


  1. I think that you succeeded - this is wonderful

  2. How lovely! Even looking at it evokes a sense of peaceful Zen. :-)

  3. I am amazed by your depth in your work...it looks so 3D as though I could just pick it up!!

  4. Your tiles are lovely. Great shading, texture and depth!

  5. Fantastic perspective - foldy and undulating. Cool!
