Monday, March 14, 2011


This tangle to me represents everything in life that can fall apart.  Sometimes our lives look like everything is in it's place when in fact we hide the fact that we're crumbling in the background.  We have been watching the tv with all the destruction happening in Japan and it's heartbreaking to say the least.  Too many times we let circumstances around us cripple us (which I am so guilty of) and then when we see the horrible and devastating things someone else goes through, then our situation doesn't seem so bad.  Sometimes we have to just hang on even though it feels like our world is off its axis a little.  In the tangle the black balls (or dots) are in different stages of their fall.  I hope today finds you closer to the top than the bottom, but if you're not, trust that first you are not alone, and second that there is hope in finally reaching the bottom so you can begin your climb.  No matter what our situation or circumstance, there is always hope!  May God be with you all today!

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